Help needed, please
Damjan Georgievski
Sun Jul 9 03:19:00 GMT 2000
I want to test the collation (sorting) by the collation rules in
"glibc/localedata/...iso14651_t1". I'm doing this because the collation
rules in the glibc2.1 locales, improperly sorted some of the macedonian
cyrillic letters.
I really can't download the glibc.2.2 and everything else and then
recompile everything, because my internet connection is very slow(12kb
on a good day), and so is my PC (P100/24).
So I have this little program that sorts the macedonian alphabet, if
someone with a glibc 2.2 program can run it and send me the output, so
that I can verify if everything is OK, I'll be very gratefull.
I'm sending as atachment the macedonian-locale-would-be and the little
program sort_cyr.c. You'll have to:
localedef -f ISO-8859-5 -i mk_MK mk_MK
gcc sort_cyr.c -o sort_cyr
LC_ALL=mk_MK ./sort_cyr > file.out
and then mail me the file.out
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