[(nowhere)] libc/1808: ld.so on powerpc-redhat-linux-gnu with ld -Ttext ...

Geoff Keating geoffk@cygnus.com
Thu Jul 6 00:11:00 GMT 2000

> From: Anton Ertl <anton@a0.complang.tuwien.ac.at>
> Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2000 08:16:48 +0200 (MET DST)

> [anton@samhain tmp]$ gcc -O -Xlinker -Ttext -Xlinker 0x80000 xxx.c
> [anton@samhain tmp]$ objdump -p a.out  
> a.out:     file format elf32-powerpc
> Program Header:
>     PHDR off    0x00000034 vaddr 0x00010034 paddr 0x00000000 align 2**2
>          filesz 0x000000e0 memsz 0x000000e0 flags r-x
>   INTERP off    0x00020114 vaddr 0x10000114 paddr 0x10000114 align 2**0
>          filesz 0x0000000d memsz 0x0000000d flags r--
>     LOAD off    0x00010000 vaddr 0x00080000 paddr 0x00080000 align 2**16
>          filesz 0x0000024c memsz 0x0000024c flags r-x
> ...
> [anton@samhain tmp]$ LD_SHOW_AUXV=1 ./a.out
> AT_PHDR:     0x70034
> ...

Oh, I see!

Perhaps the kernel is correct, in a very weird sort of way.  The PHDR
in this file is not loaded, so the kernel is quoting an address that
it would be at if it was loaded.

I believe that this is an invalid ELF file.  The PHDR is supposed to
be loaded.  Certainly, glibc requires that it is.

> > I think the physical segment offset thing is a side-effect of the way
> > the linker scripts work.  You might try it with current devo first,
> > which has a completely different script for ppc.
> Where do I find that?

Sorry, I mean current sourceware CVS.  See
< http://sourceware.cygnus.com >, look for binutils.

> > I also think the kernel should not look at the physical address at
> > all.  You'll be happy to know that this code was rewritten for later
> > kernels, so maybe that fixed it.
> Which version?  I may be able to get the admin of the machine to try
> it.

I'm not sure.  2.4.x?

Anyway, I now don't think changing the kernel will help.  It's a
problem with the linker.

- Geoffrey Keating <geoffk@cygnus.com>

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