RPC IPv6 breaks binary compatibility

Thorsten Kukuk kukuk@suse.de
Wed Jan 26 00:03:00 GMT 2000

On Tue, Jan 25, Ulrich Drepper wrote:

> Thorsten Kukuk <kukuk@suse.de> writes:
> > Because a RPC server needs to know from which client the request come
> > (for access controlling) and which verifier the client 
> > uses (AUTH_SYS/AUTH_DES) or the server need special information
> > about the client from the verifier field like the UID on the
> > remove host ?
> This still eaves the question unanswered: how shall such a tight
> coupling to IPv4 ever work in a IPv6 environment?

Why should RPC authentication not work in a IPv6 environment ?
This has nothing to do with IPv4.


Thorsten Kukuk       http://www.suse.de/~kukuk/       kukuk@suse.de
SuSE GmbH            Schanzaeckerstr. 10            90443 Nuernberg
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