strtok bug

Clifford Wolf
Thu Jan 13 03:58:00 GMT 2000


I'm currently porting ROCK Linux ( to the PPC
architecture. When porting telnetd (and some other packages) I found
the following bug which doesn't seam to be architecture depended but
only happens on PPC for me. Here is an example program:

#include <string.h>

int main() {
	strtok("",":");    /* returns NULL */
	strtok(NULL,":");  /* should return NULL - but dups core on ppc */

This works fine on intel and alpha - but it dumps core
on ppc. I don't have an explenation why it works on intel
and alpha ....

The following patch should fix the problem (I'm currently rebuilding
glibc an the iMac - so I will test it in aprox 5 hours ;-).

--- glibc-2.1.2/sysdeps/generic/strtok.c~	Tue May  4 01:47:45 1999
+++ glibc-2.1.2/sysdeps/generic/strtok.c	Thu Jan 13 13:42:45 2000
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
   /* Scan leading delimiters.  */
   s += strspn (s, delim);
   if (*s == '\0')
-    return NULL;
+    { olds=""; return NULL; }
   /* Find the end of the token.  */
   token = s;

 - clifford

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Clifford Wolf ...............                 ICQ: 60702100
The ROCK Projects Workgoup ..   Tel: +43-699-10063494
The ROCK Linux Workgoup .....       Fax: +43-2235-42788-4
The NTx Consulting Group ....             email:

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