most buggy function in glibc 8)

Philip Blundell
Tue Jan 11 09:17:00 GMT 2000

>now with nscd running:

Please try without nscd.

>So for me seems that memcpy() doesn't copy proper data:
>memcpy (&sinp->sin_addr, at2->addr, sizeof (struct in_addr));

That seems unlikely.

>Moreover resolving "" works fine in
>for example host-all.c but not in my postfix ;-(

It's hard to offer much help unless you can generate a self-contained testcase 
for the bug.  I don't want to patch and install Postfix just to debug 

If you can capture the arguments that Postfix passes to getaddrinfo using GDB, 
it should be possible to write another program that behaves the same.


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