Recommending gcc 2.95.1

Thorsten Kukuk
Tue Jan 11 05:32:00 GMT 2000


On Mon, Jan 10, Christian Iseli wrote:

> At 12:22 +0100 2000-01-10, Thorsten Kukuk wrote:
> >Does anybody know the solution how to compile glibc 2.1.3pre1 on Alpha
> >with gcc 2.95.2 ?
> You can apply the following patch to gcc-2.95.x.

Thanks, it works.

Now we have again the problem with __register_frame_info and glibc,
this time on Alpha.
New binaries compiled with a gcc 2.95.x will not run on systems
where the same glibc is compiled with egcs :(
Only Debian has already a glibc on Alpha with __register_frame_info.
Does Debian ignore the binary incompatibility ?


Thorsten Kukuk
SuSE GmbH            Schanzaeckerstr. 10            90443 Nuernberg
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