Another LinuxThreads bug.

Xavier Leroy
Tue Jan 11 01:23:00 GMT 2000

> > That's an interesting twist!  I have no solution to offer right now,
> > but I believe Butenhof's book contains an implementation of RW locks
> > in terms of basic POSIX primitives.  That could give us some clues
> > (although it could be that he simply doesn't implement writer
> > preferencing).
> ... or, more likely, that he doesn't support recursive read
> locks. We know how Dave feels about recursive locks. I don't have a
> book, but I can look at it in a bookstore

The code is on-line at
as well as the other examples in the book, at

The code implements reader preference, but Butenhof says (about the
rwl_readlock function) that it can be changed to writer preference by
blocking "while there are waiting writers (w_wait > 0), not merely
while there are active writers, as we do here".

- Xavier

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