Fwd: Bug#47560: libc6: calling binary /usr/etc/keyenvoy [PATCH]

Joel Klecker jk@espy.org
Tue Oct 19 17:17:00 GMT 1999

>Subject: Bug#47560: libc6: calling binary /usr/etc/keyenvoy [PATCH]
>Reply-To: michael.feger@gmx.de, 47560@bugs.debian.org
>Resent-From: michael.feger@gmx.de
>Orignal-Sender: Michael Feger <mf@maki1.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de>
>Resent-To: debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org
>Resent-CC: Debian GNU C Library Maintainers <debian-glibc@lists.debian.org>
>Resent-Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 14:48:00 GMT
>X-Debian-PR-Message: report 47560
>X-Debian-PR-Package: libc6
>X-Loop: owner@bugs.debian.org
>From: michael.feger@gmx.de
>To: submit@bugs.debian.org
>Sender: Michael Feger <mf@maki1.mathematik.uni-karlsruhe.de>
>Date: Sat, 16 Oct 1999 15:18:09 +0200
>X-Mailing-List: <debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org> archive/latest/53323
>X-Loop: debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org
>Resent-Sender: debian-bugs-dist-request@lists.debian.org
>Package: libc6
>Version: 2.1.2-1
>Severity: normal
>in sunrpc/key_call.c, the variable MESSENGER[] is set to
>"/usr/etc/keyenvoy", which is a binary in a new nisplus-package.
>Since binaries are not allowed in /usr/etc we installed keyenvoy in
>/usr/sbin. Please apply the following patch (it's a quite simple one ;)
>-- System Information
>Debian Release: potato
>Kernel Version: Linux macallan 2.2.10 #1 Tue Aug 3 17:38:44 CEST 
>1999 i586 unknown
>Versions of the packages libc6 depends on:
>ii  ldso            1.9.11-3       The Linux dynamic linker, library 
>and utilit
>-------- cut here --------
>--- glibc-2.1.2/sunrpc/key_call.c.orig  Sun May 16 12:13:32 1999
>+++ glibc-2.1.2/sunrpc/key_call.c       Sat Oct 16 14:51:59 1999
>@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
>   int success;
>   uid_t ruid;
>   uid_t euid;
>-  static const char MESSENGER[] = "/usr/etc/keyenvoy";
>+  static const char MESSENGER[] = "/usr/sbin/keyenvoy";
>   success = 1;
>   sigemptyset (&mask);
>-------- cut here --------
>Michael 'Bodo' Feger                              michael.feger@gmx.de
>To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-request@lists.debian.org
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Joel Klecker (aka Espy)       <URL: mailto:espy@debian.org >
Debian Package Maintainer for the GNU C Library.

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