Fwd: Bug#48120: gconv-modules would not be loaded properly whensetgid

Joel Klecker espy@debian.org
Fri Nov 5 06:57:00 GMT 1999

[ `gconv-modules' is the Debian package which contains /usr/lib/gconv ]
I assume this behavior is intentional, but is it truly necessary?

>Subject: Bug#48120: gconv-modules would not be loaded properly when setgid
>Reply-To: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>, 48120@bugs.debian.org
>Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 03:59:09 +0900
>From: Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
>To: submit@bugs.debian.org
>Package: gconv-modules
>Version: 2.1.2-5
>Severity: important
>In debian-users (for Japense) mailing-list, someone found
>that gconv-modules would not be loaded if it was setgid program.
>For examples, `LANG=ja_JP.eucJP /usr/games/same-gnome'
>(in gnome-same-gnome package) would not show any menu strings
>(of course, it should be Japanese).
>It can be fixed by adding /usr/lib/gconv to /etc/ld.so.conf.
>If /usr/lib/gconv in /etc/ld.so.conf, `LANG=ja_JP.eucJP /usr/games/same-gnome'
>would works fine with Japanese menu strings.
>However, I suspect this is bugs of glibc/icongdata/Makefile.
>In this file, LDFLAGS for libJIS.so (and libKSC,libGB,libCNS) are
>`-Wl,-soname,$(@F)' only, however others (such as EUC-JP.so) are
>`-Wl,-rpath,'$$ORIGIN''.  When we checked same-gnome with strace,
>it find "EUC-JP.so", but failed to find "libJIS.so".  So, it might be
>fixed by adding -rpath,'$$ORIGIN' for LDFLAGS for libJIS.so,libKSC.so,
>libGB.so and libCNS.so, but I've not yet checked it.
>Best regards,
>Fumitoshi UKAI

This solution was proposed in a separate message:
>Subject: Bug#48120: $ORIGIN and setuid/setgid
>Reply-To: Kaz Sasayama <Kaz.Sasayama@hypercore.co.jp>,
>   48120-maintonly@bugs.debian.org
>To: 48120-maintonly@bugs.debian.org
>From: Kaz Sasayama <Kaz.Sasayama@hypercore.co.jp>
>Date: 29 Oct 1999 17:21:03 +0900
>I found this bug report in BTS.  I hope this problem can be
>fixed by replacing '$$ORIGIN' with $(gconvdir) in the
>Makefile, or adding another rpath option with $(gconvdir).
>Because $ORIGIN in rpath is expanded by glibc 2.1.2 only if
>non-setuid and non-setgid, use of $ORIGIN is not appropriate
>in this case.
>Omitting $ORIGIN in rpath will not be a problem until
>someone copies those modules and tries to replace underlying
>libraries with his own versions, I hope.
>"Free software is not for free."
>Kaz Sasayama <Kaz.Sasayama@hypercore.co.jp>
>Hyper Linux Systems (Hypercore Software Design, Ltd.)
><URL: http://www.hypercore.co.jp/ >
Joel Klecker (aka Espy)       <URL: mailto:espy@debian.org >
Debian Package Maintainer for the GNU C Library.

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