Linux vs. libio

Mark Mitchell
Mon Dec 20 15:11:00 GMT 1999

>>>>> "Jeffrey" == Jeffrey A Law <> writes:

    Jeffrey> That is, in effect, what I already stated.  Thus my stand
    Jeffrey> that the libc folks have to be intimately involved in
    Jeffrey> this decision.  It is not a decision that GCC folks
    Jeffrey> should make on their own.

I don't believe I ever suggested making this decision on my own.  I
certainly did not mean to.

This thread *began* with me asking Ulrich for help, after all!

I *of course* intend to run any patches past the libio people.

    >> or (b) is marked very clearly as a local/temporary kludge.

    Jeffrey> This is the kind of stuff that belongs in a local tree,
    Jeffrey> not the GCC sources.

Why?  Without changes, nobody can test the new ABI.  And, there's no
risk to the current ABI.  So, the only thing that go wrong is that we
break the new ABI, but that's clearly not supported by GCC yet.

Are you suggesting I check in the new ABI changes, but *not* the libio
changes, thereby leaving things in a contradictory state?

Mark Mitchell         
CodeSourcery, LLC     

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