Linux vs. libio
Per Bothner
Mon Dec 20 12:46:00 GMT 1999
Kevin Atkinson <> writes:
> Maybe I am missing something but couldn't the io code in linux be
> written in pure C
I believe it is.
> with a few extensions to allow C++ wrapper classes to
> effectively use the io services. Like say provide inline functions (or
> macros) to manipulate the buffer efficiently.
It is more complicated than that. The point is *extensibility*
through jump tables (in C) or vtables (in C++). The standard
C++ libary is a set of classes (and templates) that use
inheritance and virtual functions.
For exmaple, the C++ version of `getc' has an inline path that
is fast and similar to C:
if (str->read_pointer < str->read_limit)
return *str->read_pointer++;
return handle_slow_case(str);
So what we in GNU is use the *same* inline code for both C and C++.
I.e. the C++ methods and the C getc access the *same* read_pointer.
For C++, handle_slow_case(str) actually does a virtual function
call to a method which depends on the run-time type of (*str)
(which is not necessarily known at compile-time). For example,
we may be reading from a file, a string, a socket, a wrapper
around readline, or an Emacs-style buffer. In standard C,
there is only only kind of FILE, so we can call the appropriate
function directly. However, glibc has long provided similar
extensible I/O as C++, but using jump tables of function pointers.
It makes sense to use the same format for those jump tables as
the C++ virtual function tables, hence some of the ugly macros
in the libio source.
One can write a C++ wrapper class (say stdiobuf) that implements the
C++ functionality, but uses the C stdio buffers. The problem is that
this is slow, since you have to call handle_slow_case on every
character. You can force that by setting read_pointer == read_limit
(for those streams that are aliased to stdio). Alternatively, you can
make sure to use the same value of read_pointer for C FILEs and C++
filebufs. However, then either you get extra overhead (indirection)
or you have to merge the data structures for C and C++.
--Per Bothner
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