Linux vs. libio

Per Bothner
Mon Dec 20 11:55:00 GMT 1999

Joe Buck <jbuck@synopsys.COM> writes:

> Please note that I'm only one SC member.  If other members object to
> what I'm saying above, we'd have to resolve it.

I do object, or rather:  we should be very careful.  I think checking
in changes for code that we do not "own" can very easily lead to
divergence.  It is all too easy to put in a fix in our sources, and
forget about it.  Unless it also gets into the master sources, we now
have a potential future maintainance/merge problem.

As a general rule, we should only check in changes to foreign
code if it has been approved by the "upstream" maintainer.
Ideally, we should only make changes that will appear in some
future official release of that code, preferably the next one!
In a pinch we can put in a temporary kludge, but only if it is
clearly marked as such.
	--Per Bothner

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