About FAQ 3-13 (perl & db2)

Michael Deutschmann michael@talamasca.wkpowerlink.com
Thu Dec 2 22:00:00 GMT 1999

(I hope this is the right place to put questions about the FAQ.  Ulrich 
is listed as official contact, yet he doesn't seem to like being 
contacted one-to-one on things like this.)

I've run into the testsuite failure problem on perl (anydbm wants to use 
null size keys, which db2 doesn't allow) documented in the FAQ.

Question is, what do I *do* about it???

Ignore the failure? Revert to db1 for perl? Exclude the DB_File extension?

I would have thought ignoring it was the way to go.  However, older 
versions of the FAQ recommended that, but the present version is rather 
more equivocal.  Also, perl has had plenty of time to `fix' the testsuite 
not to complain, and they haven't.

This suggests that someone in authority has declared that, yes indeed,
perl programs really need zero-length keys, so this should not be ignored.
Yet, I've done web, usenet, and glibc mailing list searches, and cannot
find any such argument or declaration. 

I'm not a perl programmer myself -- I just install it to support other 
utilities, such as automake and texi2html.

---- Michael Deutschmann <michael@talamasca.wkpowerlink.com>

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