2.1.2pre3 OK so far

Andreas Jaeger aj@arthur.rhein-neckar.de
Sun Aug 29 22:44:00 GMT 1999

>>>>> Matthew Clarke writes:

 > Allô.
 > Data point, to hopefully help make the feedback for GLIBC 2.1.2pre3
 > less lousy.  :-/

 > GLIBC 2.1.2pre3, gcc 2.95.1, binutils, compiled with Linux
 > kernel 2.2.10 headers.

 > Intel Pentium 166, 96MB RAM.

 > Compiled without errors.  A few warnings (attached, in case anybody
 > wants to look.)  Sorry, didn't time how long it took to build.  A few
 > hours, anyway.
Those warnings are fine, you can safely ignore them.

 > "make check" failed at the "ftw" test.  This is related to NLS and
 > "sort"; "make check" does not fail when run in an environment with LANG
 > and LC_ALL unset, or with LANG and LC_ALL set to a value I never use
 > and for which I have never run "localedef".  I'll poke around a bit
 > more on this one, as I don't know who the problem belongs to, yet.

Please try the appended patch.


1999-08-30  Andreas Jaeger  <aj@arthur.rhein-neckar.de>

	* io/ftwtest-sh: Set LC_ALL and LANGUAGE to fix locale
	dependencies in sort.

--- io/ftwtest-sh.~1~	Thu May 14 09:13:35 1998
+++ io/ftwtest-sh	Mon Aug 30 07:12:59 1999
@@ -16,6 +16,12 @@
   exit 0
+# Since we use `sort' we must make sure to use the same locale everywhere.
+export LC_ALL
+export LANG
 # First create our scenario:
 tmp=`echo ${TMPDIR:-/tmp} | sed 's|\(.\)/*$|\1|'`

 Andreas Jaeger   aj@arthur.rhein-neckar.de    jaeger@informatik.uni-kl.de
  for pgp-key finger ajaeger@aixd1.rhrk.uni-kl.de

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