ut_id questions

Daniel Jacobowitz drow@false.org
Fri Apr 30 10:11:00 GMT 1999

On Fri, Apr 30, 1999 at 10:53:35AM +0200, Andreas Schwab wrote:
> Daniel Jacobowitz <drow@false.org> writes:
> |> Let's see... this is what Solaris showed me.  The left is ut_id, and
> |> the right is ut_line.  The / notation appears a few times, and tn??
> |> notation is sequential through utmp irregardless of the order of the
> |> ptys, so probably some daemon is responsible for all of those.
> It's even worse if dtremote is involved, then ut_id is set to some random
> part of the remote address.    The Solaris man page describes ut_id as the
> "/sbin/inittab id".

That sort of thing is what I'd like to avoid.  The advantage of working
within the Debian framework is that I could fairly easily get at least
the Debian packages which use utmp to follow some set policy; but in
order for that to happen I need an appropriate policy!


/--------------------------------\  /--------------------------------\
|       Daniel Jacobowitz        |__|     CMU, CS class of 2002      |
|   Debian GNU/Linux Developer    __   Part-Time Systems Programmer  |
|         dan@debian.org         |  |        drow@cs.cmu.edu         |
\--------------------------------/  \--------------------------------/

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