[Andrew Pimlott <pimlott@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>] realloc(p, 0) vs. free

Wolfram Gloger wmglo@dent.med.uni-muenchen.de
Thu Apr 29 01:13:00 GMT 1999

> No.  Please look at the change I've added.
> 	realloc (NULL, 0)	==	malloc (0)
> 	realloc (ptr, 0)	==	free (ptr)

OK, that adds at least a little bit of consistency.

Of course I agree that standards compliance takes precedence over
almost anything, I was just surprised that the standard would allow
malloc(0) to behave in two ways while defining the analogous realloc()

`Surf the sea, not double-u three...'

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