Can't find getutmp and getutmpx in glibc 2.1.x

Mark Kettenis
Thu Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 1999

   Date: Fri, 19 Mar 1999 14:21:34 -0500
   From: "Pablo Frank" <>

       I'm trying to link Eterm 0.8.8 and it's looking for functions called
   getutmp and getutmpx.
       I've been told that the functions getutmp and getutmpx are somewhere
   in the glibc libraries but doing a nm on libc.a and libutil.a didn't
   reveal anything.  In fact, doing an nm * | grep 'getutmp' came up flat
   in my /usr and /usr/lib directories.
       I'm running Linux 2.2.3 with egcs 1.1.1, glibc 2.1.1(pre-release 1),
   and binutils (I think).
       I've installed everything using the /usr prefix.

Eterm probably thinks that if <utmpx.h> is available, so are these
very system-specific (I believe Solaris) functions getutmp() and
getutmpx().  This is wrong.  Please send a bug report to the
maintainers of Eterm.


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