nscd problem in glibc-2.0.111

Dmitry O Panov dmitry@tsu.tula.ru
Thu Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 1999

On 24 Jan 1999, Ulrich Drepper wrote:

> Dmitry O Panov <dmitry@tsu.tula.ru> writes:
> > [ at this moment I said "strace ping localhost" in the other terminal. It
> > is hanging at reading from the socket. poll() is also hanging.]
> Well, then please also look at the packages sent (using tcpdump).
> They must be lost somewhere.  I doubt meanwhile that this happens in
> the nscd.

So am I. I wrote two simple server programs, one of which uses select()
and other uses poll(). Guess which one does'nt work? ;)

BTW, it produces the following strace output:

[ skip ]
socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)         = 8
unlink("target")                        = 0
bind(8, {sun_family=AF_UNIX, sun_path="target"}, 110) = 0
listen(8, 5)                            = 0
sigaction(SIGPIPE, {SIG_IGN}, {SIG_DFL}) = 0
getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, {rlim_cur=1024, rlim_max=1024}) = 0
select(1, [], [], [], NULL)             = ? ERESTARTNOHAND (To be restarted)
--- SIGINT (Interrupt) ---
+++ killed by SIGINT +++
Is the last select() OK? 

Dmitry O Panov         |  mailto:dmitry@tsu.tula.ru
Tula State University  |  http://www.tsu.tula.ru/
Dept. of CS & NIT      |  Fidonet: Dmitry Panov, 2:5022/8.31 aka 2:5022/5.50

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