StarOffice 5 :o(

Alex Buell
Thu Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 1999

May I extend my deepest congratulations to the StarOffice 5.01 authors for
making it *IMPOSSIBLE* for me to upgrade to StarOffice 5.01 on my
glibc-2.1 system. This package relies on glibc-2.0.7. 

Has anyone succeeded in making StarOffice 5.01 fall in love with the
glibc-2.1 library without breaking other components of the system? 

Is there no way to have both glibc-2.0.7 and glibc-2.1 coexist peacefully
without a fight to the death? 

Sheesh. Give me a break! I thought that glibc-2.0.7 binaries were
supposedly upwardly compatible with glibc-2.1 libraries?

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