problems with ncurses-4.2

Alex Buell
Thu Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 1999


Problem solved. *blush* I had used --enable-shared instead of
--with-shared by mistake and it only installed the static libs but did not
build shared libraries, thus the old ncurses libraries were still hanging
in there *blush*. How stupid of me.

Now I have nice fresh shared ncurses libraries and everything works a
treat. Thanks for the help offered.

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( o.o ) Grow some cannabis today!
 > ^ <  Peace, Love, Unity and Respect to all. - *new* - rewritten for text browser users!

Linux tahallah 2.2.0-pre5 #69 SMP Thu Jan 7 18:39:39 EST 1999
Two Intel Pentium Pro 166MHz processors, 331.78 total bogomips, 48M RAM
System library 2.0.109

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