snprintf and sprintf act differenting when writing to an argument
Thu Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 1999
>Submitter-Id: net
>Originator: Andy Bakun
>Confidential: no
>Synopsis: sprintf and snprintf don't operate the same when a source string is also the destination string
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: low
>Category: libc
>Class: sw-bug
>Release: libc-2.0.111
>Environment: Linux RedHat 5.1/5.2
Host type: i386-redhat-linux-gnu
System: Linux 2.0.35 #2 Tue Oct 20 19:46:21 CDT 1998 i686 unknown
Architecture: i686
Addons: crypt glibc-compat linuxthreads
Build CC: egcs
Compiler version: egcs-2.90.27 980315 (egcs-1.0.2 release)
Kernel headers: UTS_RELEASE
Symbol versioning: yes
Build static: yes
Build shared: yes
Build pic-default: no
Build profile: yes
Build omitfp: no
Build bounded: no
Build static-nss: no
Stdio: libio
The results of sprintf and snprintf are not the same when passing a source string argument that is also
the destiniation string. Specificly, when the destination string argument is also specified as a source
string, sprintf allows this, and snprintf clears the destiniation string first.
The code
char x[128];
sprintf(x, "one two");
sprintf(x, "%s three four", x);
printf("%s\n", x);
one two three four
char x[128];
snprintf(x, 128, "one two");
snprintf(x, 128, "%s three four", x);
printf("%s\n", x);
three four
Copy the source string to a temporary area or use a series of str[n]cats.
Document in the man page this difference, or make them both operate the same. _I_ personally think that
snprintf(x, y, "%s", x)
should be allowed and NOT erase x before copying, especially if x would end up at the start of the start
of the destination array, but if whoever fixes this feels like sprintf should operating like snprintf here,
then so be it. I am not familar with what the ANSI standard says about this.
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