Bug with dlclose and static class elements

Harald Hoyer Harald.Hoyer@hot.spotline.de
Thu Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 1999


the attached tarball demonstrates the failure of deleting static elements in
classes, if the library that contains these class is unloaded with dlclose.

My question is whether this is a glibc (libdl) bug or a bug in generating the
code (egcs).

System is Linux kernel 2.2.0, glibc 2.0.111, gcc version egcs-2.91.58 19981101
(egcs-1.1.1 pre-release).

Bug showed up in all older versions of kernel, libc and egcs.

If this bug is known could you please point me to a fix.

If this bug is unknown I likely want to know, if it could be fixed in the recent

Best regards,
    Harald Hoyer

»»»» Harald Hoyer ««»» mailto:HarryH@Royal.Net ««»» http://hot.spotline.de ««««
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