CNN Told the World about us!

Thu Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 1999

What do the strongest man in the world, and the only man to have lost
over 575  pounds have in common?  They have found The Solution... and
they both endorse the products of the nation's first and only Wave5
Company! How would you like to be with a revolutionary company that
is getting tremendous media exposure?  How about being paid full
from the sales that are generated from that media exposure?  I have
found success with a company that is doing just that! Our company has
such media worthy products that there was a major announcement on CNN
!  Also our
endorsers are scheduled for various TV and radio appearances.  Our
products will be shown on The 700 Club to their 17 million viewers.
Add to that TV and radio infomercials and ads in 10,000 Newspapers. .
 just for starters! For the first time in history a company is
putting all the sales volume from this unprecedented media exposure
under ALL
active distributors in the company and paying full commissions on
this volume to all qualified distributors! What could this mean for
you? Within the next several months through television and print, we
will have exposure to millions of people!  Projections are that ½
million bottles of our products will be sold every month by June. It
could mean more than you've ever received before with fewer people in
your downline!
Here's how: 500,000 bottles sold at $25.00 each = $12,500,000.
Projected distributors by June is 6000. $12,500,000 ÷ 6000 = $2083
$2083 will be shown in everyone's downline as sales volume sold. 
What this means to you: If you had just 10 people in your downline
you would earn $1,666 on this volume alone. If you had 100 people in
your downline you would earn $16,664 on this sales volume that you
had nothing to do with generating! Our products are literally
changing lives!
THE ENZYME SOLUTION The Enzyme Solution helps give you vibrant
health and increased longevity. Increase T-cell (cancer fighting cell
) production and activity by as much 1300%. They also promote weight
loss, improve the immune system and nutritional absorption and
energy level. The Enzyme Solution is more powerful and active
than any other enzyme available. LITENING4 The newest most
revolutionary weight management product on the market today. In
conjunction with The Enzyme Solution, weight loss results have been
This product is the safest product on the market with no stimulation
to the central nervous system and no resulting negative side effects.

A full line of homeopathic medicines that are proven by 9 years of
double blind clinical studies to be so effective that they carry an
FDA drug code
number right on the labels. They provide immediate results with NO
side effects. They are advanced triple potency medicines that are
strengths usually only available to doctors. What has been missing
from network marketing? Being able to succeed at it.  There is only
one solution . . . The Media Solution! For the first time in network
marketing history,
a company has taken on the responsibility for generating enormous
media exposure, and is changing the way so that all distributors can
succeed in
network marketing. 100% of media generated volume goes evenly under
all distributors in our company. People who have never succeeded
before are succeeding with our company because of The
Media Solution! For more information on these powerful, life changing
products and/or our unprecedented business opportunity
with the nation's first and only Wave5 company, please

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