
David S. Miller davem@dm.cobaltmicro.com
Thu Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 1999

   Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 23:52:30 -0800
   From: Jeff Bailey <jbailey@nisa.net>

   DaveM, on line 22 of your *NEW and IMPROVED* [=)] __longjump.S you 
   #include jmp_buf.h.  I can't find it in the sources anywhere so I am 
   stuck as to how to work around this patch.

This was a brainfart on my part, the old include should work because
it did before and provides the same information the file is after.

Just change:

#include <jmp_buf.h>


#define _SETJMP_H
#include <bits/setjmp.h>

which is what was there before.  This should work.

David S. Miller

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