samba 2.0beta5 compile problems
Andreas Jaeger
Thu Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 1999
>>>>> Jack Howarth writes:
> Has anyone managed to patch the samba 2.0 betas to build under the
> glibc 2.1 alphas? There are at beta5 now which is next to the release
> version apparently and still have compile problems in smbwrapper/smbw.c.
> It appears that they are expecting struct stat64 to have fields that
> don't exist in glibc 2.1's definition. Thanks for any hints.
Please tell us the exact error messages you get. Looking at the code
I don't see an obvious problem. Perhaps it's just a missing define
for a feature macro (see <features.h>)? Please send a short piece of
code which can be compiled standalone that fails.
> Jack
> ps This is the code that is having problems...
> #ifdef HAVE_STAT64
> /* this can't be in wrapped.c because of include conflicts */
> void stat64_convert( struct stat *st, struct stat64 *st64)
> {
st64-> st_size = st->st_size;
st64-> st_mode = st->st_mode;
st64-> st_ino = st->st_ino;
st64-> st_dev = st->st_dev;
st64-> st_rdev = st->st_rdev; st64->st_nlink = st->st_nlink;
st64-> st_uid = st->st_uid;
st64-> st_gid = st->st_gid;
st64-> st_atime = st->st_atime;
st64-> st_mtime = st->st_mtime;
st64-> st_ctime = st->st_ctime;
st64-> st_blksize = st->st_blksize;
st64-> st_blocks = st->st_blocks;
> }
> #endif
Andreas Jaeger
for pgp-key finger
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