bug: configure don't know about 'GNU Makeinfo (Texinfo 3.9) 1.67'

Andreas Jaeger aj@arthur.rhein-neckar.de
Thu Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 1999

>>>>> gcatenaz  writes:

 > configure don't understand my makeinfo that come from linux RedHat 5.0
Is it recent enough?

 > Output of makeinfo:
 > $ makeinfo --version
>> GNU Makeinfo (Texinfo 3.9) 1.67
>> Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
>> There is NO warranty.  You may redistribute this software
>> under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
>> For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING.

>> How-To-Repeat:
 > 	<code/input/activities to reproduce the problem (multiple lines)>
>> Fix:
 >      The script configure.in check a false header (GNU texinfo ...),
 >      but my version write: GNU Makeinfo (Textinfo ...) ...
 >      Warning: check also the case (texinfo -> Textinfo)
 >      Change it!

 >  from configure.in:
>> AC_CHECK_PROG_VER(MAKEINFO, makeinfo, --version,
>> [GNU texinfo \([0-9][0-9.]*\)],
>> [3.1[1-9] | 3.[2-9][0-9]], MAKEINFO=: aux_missing=t)

The regexp checks for 3.11 or newer - 3.9 is just too old.

>From the INSTALL file:
   * GNU `texinfo' 3.11

     To correctly translate and install the Texinfo documentation you
     need this version of the `texinfo' package.  Earlier versions do
     not understand all the tags used in the document, and the
     installation mechanism for the info files is not present or works

 Andreas Jaeger   aj@arthur.rhein-neckar.de    jaeger@informatik.uni-kl.de
  for pgp-key finger ajaeger@aixd1.rhrk.uni-kl.de

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