struct stat

David A. Greene
Thu Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 1999

Geoff Keating wrote:

> > Why is dev_t a 64-bit integer type?
> I think it became 64 bits when it was changed from 16 bits, which was
> way too small.
> It won't help anyway.  If anyone changed the stat structure in future,
> ino_t and nlink_t would probably both change to 64 bits (I think the
> new NFS wants 64-bit inode numbers).

True enough.  My concern is with the present, however.  Should there
be support for backward compatability?  Certainly Linux doesn't use
all 64 bits.

> > Not too likely in our case, I'm afraid.  Would it be too much to ask
> > for the guard on quad_t/uquad_t to be changed from __GNUC__ to
> > __LONG_LONG_SUPPORTED__ or something?  Then at least other compilers
> > have a chance.  This seems like a fair compromise to me.
> I suggest __LONG_LONG_NOT_SUPPORTED.  In the future, all standard C
> compilers will support 'long long' (by definition, because the
> standard will require it).  Certainly it shouldn't be conditioned on
> __GNUC__, because there are many compilers that support it.

Exactly.  I have no problem with this.

> How hard would it be to add 'long long' to your research compiler?
> Usually these things are very easy to do if you don't mind the
> generated code being inefficient.

It shouldn't be too hard to add support.  As long as the guard on dev_t
can be changed to allow it.  :)


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