postgresql 6.4.2 errors

Jack Howarth
Tue Apr 27 10:04:00 GMT 1999

    Is anyone else having problems with postgresql 6.4.2 under glibc 2.1.1?
We are seeing the following failure under linuxppc with Linux 2.2.6,
egcs 1.1.2 and glibc 2.1.1(cvs)...

[postgres@kernel doc]$ destroydb mydb
ERROR:  typeidTypeRelid: Invalid type - oid = 0
destroydb: database destroy failed on mydb.

Since these are all memory management routines I thought perhaps we
may have a glibc 2.1.1 issue here.

Jack W. Howarth, Ph.D.                                     231 Bethesda Avenue
NMR Facility Director                              Cincinnati, Ohio 45267-0524
Dept. of Molecular Genetics                              phone: (513) 558-4420
Univ. of Cincinnati College of Medicine                    fax: (513) 558-8474

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