ja_JP in glibc-2.1.1

Ulrich Drepper drepper@cygnus.com
Wed Apr 7 21:37:00 GMT 1999

Kaoru Fukui <k_fukui@highway.ne.jp> writes:

> I was able to find  2 problems  "% " instead  of "# " and "/" instead of "\
> ".
> But I have still many errors with a command of loaddef.
> I cannot use charclass in ja_JP ,too.

It's not yet possible to use ISO-2022-JP or any other multibyte
character set.  It'll be implemented sometime soon.

---------------.      drepper at gnu.org  ,-.   1325 Chesapeake Terrace
Ulrich Drepper  \    ,-------------------'   \  Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA
Cygnus Solutions `--' drepper at cygnus.com   `------------------------

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