The zh_TW.Big5 locale data

Tung-Han Hsieh
Sun Apr 4 22:43:00 GMT 1999

Dear All,

We are working on the Chinese locale and i18n subject on Linux.
The locale, "zh_TW.Big5", is our native language support in Taiwan.
We now have the "zh_TW.Big5" locale data and "BIG5_1984" font map
file, and we want to contribute them into the standard glibc-2.1.X
and future release. I am not sure if it is suitable to post this
mail in this mailing list. If it is not, please tell me what email
address which I should mail to.

In our "zh_TW.Big5" locale data, the "LC_COLLATE" part is copied 
from "en_DK". We do have our own "LC_COLLATE" data, but current
release of glibc-2 (2.1.1) still has some problem to compile it.
And we are still testing it. If in the future the problem fixed,
we would like to update the "zh_TW.Big5" locale data file to include
our "LC_COLLATE" data.

The locale data files are attached in the end of this mail. The 
original contributer is Ming-Che Chuang <>,
and now it is mainly maintained by the president of CLE (Chinese Linux 
Extension) project, Yuan-Chung Cheng <>. This mail 
will be sent to "" and "" 
mailing lists.

Best regards,


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