glibc-2.0.93 homebrew distribution tests

John Kennedy
Wed May 20 15:50:00 GMT 1998

[Ulrich Drepper]
>  Richard is maintaining the modutils package which now provides
>  this header.  It is simply not possible to provide one header in the
>  libc which provides the definitions since they very with the kernel.

  That particular <sys/module.h> nit was from the sysklogd package.

>   Some things that filed to compile that seemed to cause compiler problems
> > were lynx-2.8 & gnuplot-3.5 (croaking with sig11 & sig6, respectively).
> I don't know the problem are, too, but if you can take a look with
> the debugger this certainly would help.

  Ugh.  gdb on gcc?  How much fun can one person have.  (:

  It is possible that there is some rare low-level weirdness that
is taking out gcc (see the strtok() problem, below) under 2.0.93.

>  For all the other problem: there is nothing which can be done in
>  glibc.  Consider contacting the authors so that the next versions
>  can get fixed.

  The mount thing is weird.  The binaries I compiled on the
i686-pc-linux-gnu seem to be having troubles with something in or behind
strtok() on a i586-pc-linux-gnu box.  Same everything mind you...
just taking the chrooted environment, copying it onto a different
computer's disk and booting it.  I've never had a problem with that before
(using 2.0.5 -> 2.0.7pre3, in any case).

  It is specific to glibc-2.0.93 at least.  A binary on the i586
compiled with dynamically linked with 2.0.7pre3 works but, when copied
into the chrooted 2.0.93 tree (and thus dynamically linked) and run
there will fail.

  It is going to take forever, even on a p6-300, but I'm rebuilding glibc
2.0.93 with CFLAGS=-g and we'll see if I can track this problem
into glibc.  Any other recommendations for tracking down a (possible)
glibc problem, or at least eliminating glibc?
								--- john

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