Fwd: glibc[-crypt] missing Makefile.non-gnu
Ulrich Drepper
Thu Dec 24 09:42:00 GMT 1998
Joel Klecker <espy@debian.org> writes:
> In trying to bring up the arm environment, I had need of a working
> libcrypt, but I couldn't build it because Makefile.non.gnu (or anything
> vaguely resemlbing that name) wasn't available. [This file is documented
> in a number of places, for example crypt/configure.]
Get the current add-on and compile it correctly. There is no need for
a different makefile.
---------------. drepper at gnu.org ,-. 1325 Chesapeake Terrace
Ulrich Drepper \ ,-------------------' \ Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA
Cygnus Solutions `--' drepper at cygnus.com `------------------------
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