unrecognized pattern operator list

Panicz Maciej Godek godek.maciek@gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 20:26:36 GMT 2023

For what it's worth, I wrote my own implementation of match for Kawa and
use it in GRASP:


It is derived from the now withdrawn SRFI-200 document that I submitted at
some point:


(it contains a fairly detailed description of the implementation of the
match macro, both in syntax-case and syntax-rules)

Anyway, it doesn't seem to be causing any conflicts with Kawa's built-in
match, so you cloud try adapting it to your taste.

pon., 9 paź 2023 o 22:18 Damien Mattei via Kawa <kawa@sourceware.org>

>      one of problem is coming from the special syntax of kawa that use
> [ ] where others scheme don't and incompatible with SRFI 105, this
> limits some use.
> like: in type[] or match with patterns looking like ([_ y] ...
> this would be a good idea to have an option in Kawa that allow
> replacing those [ ] by normal ( ) or even be compatible with the 2
> syntaxes should be possible
> in my case i dislike 'match form and do not using typing in scheme
> when available so this not a big problem in my codes but for now i do
> not know how to modify the SRFI-105 reader for be compatible. It is
> also possible to parse it with SRFI 105 and after modify again the
> code to set back the transformed [] in () again in [] in 'match and
> type[]  ....
> On Mon, Oct 9, 2023 at 4:48 PM Damien Mattei <damien.mattei@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > hello,
> >
> > in this code belonging from Guile and Racket version:
> >
> > (match (list index1-or-keyword-eval-pos index2-or-keyword-eval-pos
> > index3-or-keyword-or-step-eval-pos)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >      ;;  {a <+ (make-vector 7 0)}
> >      ;; '#(0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
> >      ;; > {a[$ $] <- #(1 2 3)}
> >      ;; > a
> >      ;; '#(1 2 3 0 0 0 0)
> >      ((list (== slice) (== slice))
> >       (container-copy! container-eval
> >                0
> >                expr-eval)
> >
> > i have this error:
> > unrecognized pattern operator list near ((list (== slice) i2 (== slice))
> > slice is defined like that:
> >
> > (define $ '$)
> > (define slice $)
> >
> > what is the equivalent syntax for kawa?
> >
> > damien

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