Having trouble using JAX-RS annotation in Kawa Scheme class

Arvydas Silanskas nma.arvydas.silanskas@gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 17:37:14 GMT 2023


try specifying the annotation field explicitly, ie `(@Produces value:
(string[] "text/plain"))`. Test suite seems to have a test for this case
. If this still doesn't work, perhaps try building and running the head
version from source.


2023-02-28, an, 19:02 Ross Merrifield via Kawa <kawa@sourceware.org> rašė:

> Kawa mailing list,
> I am attempting to translate a simple JAX-RS example from Java to Kawa
> Scheme. Overall, this has been successful, but I am having issues getting
> the @Produces method annotation to work in one of my classes.
> Here is my Kawa class:
> (import (class jakarta.ws.rs  GET
>                               Path
>                               Produces))
> (define-simple-class MyResource ()
>   (@Path "helloworld")                    ;;class annotations
>   ((getIt)                                ;;method (no args)
>     (@GET)                                ;;method annotations
>     (@Produces (String "text/plain"))
>     ::java.lang.String                    ;;return type
>     "Got it!")                            ;;method body
> )
> And here is the Java class I am translating it from:
> import jakarta.ws.rs.GET;
> import jakarta.ws.rs.Path;
> import jakarta.ws.rs.Produces;
> @Path("helloworld")
> public class MyResource {
>     @GET
>     @Produces("text/plain")
>     public String getHello() {
>         return "Hello World!";
>     }
> }
> The problem is, when I try to load the code, I get an error that "the type
> java.lang.String is incompatible with the required type
> java.lang.String[]".
> But when I change my Annotation to (@Produces (String[] "text/plain")) I
> get the error "annotation value must be constant". Checking the javadoc for
> @prodcues does indicate the expected type of the value is String[]:
> https://javadoc.io/doc/jakarta.ws.rs/jakarta.ws.rs-api/latest/jakarta.ws.rs/jakarta/ws/rs/Produces.html
> Is there another syntax I should be trying here? As it stands now, it seems
> to me like it's impossible to use this annotation from Kawa.
> Thanks,
> Ross

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