please checkout Kawa from

Per Bothner
Wed Nov 23 07:42:00 GMT 2016

On 11/22/2016 02:12 PM, David Pirotte wrote:
> 	if I make install twice (I did it by mistake), it fails the second time
> 	with this message
> 		cd /opt/bin && \
> 		  ln -s /opt/share/kawa/bin/kawa kawa
> 		ln: failed to create symbolic link 'kawa': File exists

Thanks - I checked in a fix for this.

> 	I like to install html doc locally, it fails
> 		./configure --prefix=/opt
> 		make. make install, make install-html
> 	-> it installs kawa doc in my home drectory instead of /opt/share/doc/kawa
> 	as expected
> 	it fails see below

This one is harder.  The 'install-html' rule is rather bit-rotted; it should
probably be removed.  Not sure what to replace it with, if anything.

As far as I know, there is no GNU standard for installing html files.
I would like change this; see
(which is still a rough draft).

There are two (or three) mechanisms for making html documentation
(all these assuming you're in the doc directory):
(1) 'make kawa-html', which uses 'makeinfo --html'.
(2) A more convoluted path, which uses 'makeinfo --docbook', and then
uses the DocBook style sheets to create html or epub.
The are two sub-variants:
(2a) 'make web/index.html' creates a web-site with a navigation bar and
my own styling.  This is the source of the Kawa website.
(2b) 'make kawa-manual.epub' makes a EPUB electronic book.
The file kawa-manual.epub is included with the Kawa binary distribution, and
it is used by the kawa --browse-manual command.  See: (final subsection)

I have mostly been focusing on (2a) and (2b), rather than (1).
The preferred way to "install the documentation" is (2b).
I'd be curious to hear if others can manage to build kawa-manual.epub.
If you want to try, you meed the DocBook XSL stylesheets, and to
override the DOCBOOK_XSL_DIR variable in doc/Makefile (or create
the symlink as described in the Makefile).
	--Per Bothner

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