Switching from Subversion to Git

Matthieu Vachon matthieu.o.vachon@gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 12:16:00 GMT 2014

On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 1:39 AM, David Pirotte <david@altosw.be> wrote:
> Hello,
> [I'am currently trying to help, working on g-wrap, guile-cairo, guile-gnome and
> guile-clutter]
> The link is this one:
>         http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/

Thank you for the link, this is indeed one of the reference for git
branching model. Here a tutorial I found recently made by Atlassian.
It compares four different possible git branching models with one of
them being the one you linked (referred as gitflow workflow in the


It also includes other information, mainly focused for people coming
from the SVN world:


And to migrate from SVN:


>> > Kawa is a GNU project (though a low-profile one), and politically I
>> > want to be part of the GNU umbrella.  That is one advantage to Savannah.
> I strongly believe that savannah is a much much better place for gnu projects, but
> it could be a subjective opinion.  Many people complained, on guile's lists about
> github not being free... and I like savannah.

This is completely true. GitHub is "free" for public projects, just
not open sourced and GPL licensed.

This is completely personal, but I never understood complaints about
the point of the being "free" (as in open sourced). Maybe because I'm
too "young" to have lived this debate  :)

> My 2c :)

Thank you for joining the discussion.


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