issue: class field and its usage from lambda

Per Bothner
Tue Aug 7 19:49:00 GMT 2012

On 08/07/2012 09:05 AM, Fushacko Tito wrote:
> Hi. I'm tried to use Kawa 1.12.1 (revision 7282) and 1.12 stable. Could anyone help me and explain why --main flag changes Kawa compiler's behavior radically?

The reason is what symbols get exported by default, when no module-export
is specified: When you specify --main, the default is that nothing is 
when you don't specify --main the default is that everything is exported.

Adding this will force FailClass to be exported, so it will fail
(module-export FailClass)

If FailClass isn't exported, it is never used, so the compiler
doesn't generate code for its methods, and so the compiler bug
doesn't get triggered.

I'm looking into the bug now.
	--Per Bothner

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