Kawa on Android - problems with kawa.standard.Scheme

Per Bothner per@bothner.com
Tue Mar 1 19:56:00 GMT 2011

On 03/01/2011 11:04 AM, Peter Feigl wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 11:20:29AM -0800, Per Bothner wrote:
>> It's possible (in fact likely) the problem isn't the actual Path,
>> but one of the classes referenced by Path.
> I think I found the problem, the reason for the crash is twofold:
> - The class javax.tools.FileObject does not exist on Android.

That doesn't explain the problem.  If you followed the instructions
(either using configure+make or ant) it is supposed to do an implicit
'make select-android' which runs a pre-processor (java.kawa.util.PreProcess)
which comments out the 'implements javax.tools.FileObject'.  There
are no other references to FileObject in the code.

>    This can be fixed by commenting out line 13 in Path.java or probably
>    also by correctly setting --with-java-source=5 for ./configure

That's a useful data-point, but we still don't know what causes the
failure.  I'll do some more experiments.

> - The three static fields makePathProc, makeFilepathProc and
>    makeURIProc in LangObjType.java throw exceptions in their
>    initializers. If all three of them are set to = null (instead of new
>    PrimProcedure(..)), the class can successfully be loaded.
> I am not sure on how to fix the second problem permanently, I tried
> initializing the fields lazily in the constructor of LangObjType, but
> that also raises an exception. It seems there's a general problem with
> PrimProcedure.

It might be better if PrimProcedure were lazy - i.e. only do the
reflection when needed.  Still, I though it should work anyway.
Perhaps I'm wrong - Android may not support the necessary reflection.
	--Per Bothner
per@bothner.com   http://per.bothner.com/

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