Kawa docs in PS or PDF

Per Bothner per@bothner.com
Wed Nov 5 17:00:00 GMT 2003

Stuart Clayman wrote:

> Does anyone have a version of the 1.7 docs in PS or PDF.
> I can't see it on the web site.

I know where it *should* be ...  The kawa-doc-1.7.tar.gz file contains 
generated (redundant) version of the documentation, including html files 
of the manual.  However, it doesn't include a pdf file.  I'll add that 
for the next release.

> I don't have enough resouces for a tex installation
> to convert the kawa.texi file.

Fry's and walmart.com have $200 Windows-less PCs with GNU/Linux 
preloaded.  They probabably don't have TeX preloaded, but they certainly 
have more than enough resources to run TeX.

Admittedly, sometimes it may be difficult to come up with the $200+, not 
to mention the space and admin time a computer need.
	--Per Bothner
per@bothner.com   http://per.bothner.com/

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