Error on seeing (a . b) can perplex

Jocelyn Paine
Sat Jul 13 21:51:00 GMT 2002

While I was trying to compile a program this morning, the compiler kept
        at kawa.lang.Translator.rewrite_pair(Compiled Code)
        at kawa.lang.Translator.rewrite_with_position(
        at kawa.lang.Translator.rewrite(

I discovered eventually - looking for anything to do with pairs in my code
- that this was due to an "insufficient quoting" error that I perpetrate
too often, namely writing a pair as (a . b) instead of '(,a . ,b) or (cons
a b).

Could the compiler be modified to emit an error message that more
informatively describes the error? Not urgent by any means, but it might
save some of us those wasted moments spent on unwanted diagnostic
deviations in the program page. 


Jocelyn Paine
+44 (0)7768 534 091 

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