stack trace for error

Tom Tromey
Sat Oct 13 11:30:00 GMT 2001

Tonight I got this error.
I don't know what, if anything, I did to provoke it.


bad text index "4"
    while executing
"$win tag add $tag $linenum.0 $stop"
    (object "::.srcwin0.srcwin.container.pane2.childsite.con" method "::SrcTextWin::insertBreakTag" body line 31)
    invoked from within
"insertBreakTag $win $linenum $tag_type"
    (object "::.srcwin0.srcwin.container.pane2.childsite.con" method "::SrcTextWin::do_bp" body line 90)
    invoked from within
"do_bp $twin $action $linenum $type $bpnum $enabled $thread 0"
    ("SOURCE" arm line 3)
    invoked from within
"switch $current(mode) {
    SOURCE {
      if {[string compare $file $current(filename)] == 0 && $linenum != {}} {
	do_bp $twin $action $linenum $type..."
    (object "::.srcwin0.srcwin.container.pane2.childsite.con" method "::SrcTextWin::bp" body line 4)
    invoked from within
"bp create $bpnum $addr $line $file $type $enabled"
    (object "::.srcwin0.srcwin.container.pane2.childsite.con" method "::SrcTextWin::display_breaks" body line 30)
    invoked from within
    (object "::.srcwin0.srcwin.container.pane2.childsite.con" method "::SrcTextWin::location" body line 69)
    invoked from within
"$twin location $tag $name $funcname $line $addr $pc_addr $lib"
    (object "::.srcwin0.srcwin" method "::SrcWin::location" body line 52)
    invoked from within
"location BROWSE_TAG $result"
    (object "::.srcwin0.srcwin" method "::SrcWin::goto_func" body line 19)
    invoked from within
"::.srcwin0.srcwin goto_func .srcwin0.srcwin.container.pane1.childsite.con.func check_pkg_class_access"
    (in namespace inscope "::SrcWin" script line 1)
    invoked from within
"namespace inscope ::SrcWin {::.srcwin0.srcwin goto_func} .srcwin0.srcwin.container.pane1.childsite.con.func check_pkg_class_access"
    ("after" script)errorCode is NONE

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