Ctrl-C strange behavior

Scott A Sumner sasumner@juno.com
Wed May 3 17:00:00 GMT 2000

Hi Leon and everyone,

I've noticed some strange behavior with Insight similar to Leon's.  BTW,
my Insight is configured as "--host=i586-pc-cygwin --target=m68k-coff"
and is the 20000314 snapshot.

My problem:  If my target runs at full speed, I have no way to tell
Insight I want to break execution wherever it happens to be.  As soon as
I hit the continue button, Insight changes the cursor to an hourglass and
just hangs (if I don't have a breakpoint set that execution will hit).  I
can't do anything except kill gdb and restart it.  I want to press the
stop button but as Insight appears to be hung at this point, it doesn't
work.  This is *extremely* annoying; anyone have any idea why it does
this and what the solution/workaround might be?

Many thanks,

On Tue, 02 May 2000 19:34:35 +0300 Leon Pollak <leonp@plris.com> writes:
> Hello, gurus.
>     Please, can somebody describe rather strange behavior of Ctrl-C 
> that
> I have?
>     I run Insight from xterm and the program downloads to the target
> and starts to run.
>     When I press Ctrl-C in command window, press "STOP" button or 
> try to
> close Insignt - nothing happens.
>     Even the windows are not redrawn and remain blank if I minimize
> them.
>     But when I press Ctrl-C from the xterm window, Insignt says that 
> it
> received SGINT interrupt and stops the target.
>     May thanks ahead.
> leonp@plris.com

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