three notes on setting breakpoints

Steven Johnson
Sun Apr 9 15:33:00 GMT 2000

James Ingham wrote:

> Yeah, we need to save preferences both based on executable, and on
> architecture, since you can do things like eliminate registers that
> you don't want to see from the display, and that will get saved
> (thanks Steve!) but if you work on different processors, and you
> happen to want to hide a register in one but not in the other you are
> hosed right now.

I was thinking on this this weekend. The Idea I came up with is a list of
different configurations.
Such that you go into config and select from the list the config you want.
Then all of the preferences
would be reloaded. Preferences would be of the form "$ConfigName/Preference".
If no custom config was selected then
the preferences would remain as they are now. This is also something that
needs to be done. Id prefer something like this over
tying it to executable as you may want different debug contexts for the same
executable. Or more likely, the same debug context for different executables.
Ideally there would also be a command line parameter to select the default


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