simplicity vs. efficiency of algorithms in GSL

Thu Sep 25 03:50:00 GMT 2008

Hello Jerry,

> For the same reason, simplicity vs efficiency is not the
> right argument.
> Experts should produce the the most efficient code, in some
> rational
> and usable form, and we should use it. The only thing that
> prevents us
> from doing this tomorrow is that, as far as I can tell, no
> expert has
> managed to produce what we need in a rational and usable
> form. For me,
> rational and usable means that it solves all those tedious
> problems
> that plague the fortran-to-anything-else interface. At
> least that
> would be a start.
> Of course, I like things to be neat and tidy; that's
> just me. Maybe
> other people don't mind having to cobble things
> together, but I have
> a very low threshold for that. There's no work I do
> that is so
> compelling that I don't care how painful it is to get
> the answer.
> And I always want better tools.




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