qawo-problem and a book project

M Atakan Gurkan
Wed Jul 9 18:31:00 GMT 2003

On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 07:26:02PM +0100, Brian Gough wrote:
> Any example programs which use GSL should be available under the GNU
> General Public License, so that people can freely use them too.
Is this really true? If I write a program and use GSL routines in it and
distribute only the source, as it would be in a book, I am not copying GSL but
only using it. I thought one needed to provide the program under GPL if that
program _includes_ GPL'ed code to some extent. The source, possibly, does not
contain GPL'ed code.
Of course if the distributed programs are derived directly from examples
that is another issue.
Could you please clarify, am I wrong in this?


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