ALBAAT Ink Jet News /V24 / EA-1 / E-H

Irma Garcia
Thu Nov 16 18:05:00 GMT 2000

ALBAAT Ink Jet Fills of Austin, Texas recycles ink jet cartridges. 

Sale! Epson Products from ALBAAT Ink Jet Fills! NEW! NEW! NEW!

Epson Stylus Compatible Cartridge

CS020110 Stylus Photo /Photo Ex/ Photo 700 color $16.99
CSO20118 Stylus Color 3000/5000	$21.99
CS020187  Stylus 440/640/750/1200 black $14.99
CSO20025 Stylus 400/800/800+/1000 black	$13.99
CSO20034 Stylus Color/Stylus Pro/ Pro XL black $13.95
CSO20036 Stylus Color/Stylus Pro/Stylus Pro XL color $18.99
CSO20047 Stylus Color 11/11s/200 black	$13.99
CSO20049 Stylus Color 1500/Color11/11s color $19.99
CSO20089 Stylus Color400/600/600Q/800/800N/850/850N/850NE $15.99
CSO20093 Stylus Color 200/400/500/600/600Q/Photo 700 black	$13.99
CSO20097 Stylus Color 200/500 color	$18.99
CSO20108 Stylus Color 800/800N/850/850N/850NE/ $14.99
CS020126 Stylus 3000 / 5000 - MJIC9M		$19.99
CS020138 Stylus 300 $17.95
CSO20189 Stylus 740/740C black $16.99
CSO20191 Stylus 440/640/740/740C color $19.99

While supplies last!!  

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Irma A. Garcia

Fx# 512-219-1198
Toll Free: 888-4 ALBAAT
12129 North Highway 620 #540
Austin, Texas  78750

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