
Simone Piccardi piccardi@fi.infn.it
Wed Oct 11 07:41:00 GMT 2000

Brian Gough wrote:
> I am planning to simplify gsl histograms to use linear scales in their
> coordinates, dropping support for nonlinear scales (the observations
> can be transformed nonlinearly instead).  If anyone sees a need to
> keep nonlinear histogram scales let me know.
More than for the nonlinear scales, the variable range histogram could
be useful when you have to specify a choice of a different size binning
based in some pratical issue. I had to do something like this on data
analysis to have a "comparable" statistics on each bin and to take in to
account the different selections used in different range (due to the
usefulness of some detector data). 

But as you said having both the two kind of histogram will grow the
complexity of the library. The problem is that I'm working also on
"profile" histograms, to represent 2D distributions; and this will lead
to another kind of histogram.

A solution for the fix/variable ranges could be to provide a
"linearization function" automatically generated from a set of ranges
(it's only a guess, I never thinked in this direction), but this cannot
solve the problem for the profile histograms.

The other one is to use some sort of abstraction layer (gnome has such
an architecture) for histograms. I'm thinking about this (Christopher
Gabriel suggested me to use GtkObject, but it seems to me an overkill
for what I need and I would like something simpler). Let me know what
you think about this.

Simone Piccardi
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