Who owns the GSL?

Diego Saravia dsa@unsa.edu.ar
Mon Sep 4 07:42:00 GMT 2000

I am really happy with GSL
I needed something like it, and wow ... I have it.
The people here are nice too,  I get good answers to some stupid
questions, so I learn a lot.

Perhaps Mr Tisdale have a point, but I think that are better ways to
speak about it.
Thanks to all GSL people!!!
Sorry for my english.

> Who owns the GSL?
> Who makes the design decisions?
> Who decides what is included in the GSL distribution?
> The VSIPL API standard is owned be the VSIPL Forum.
> Just about anybody can participate in the VSIPL Forum.
> All you really need to do is show up at two consecutive meetings.
> Everybody who shows up at meetings of the VSIPL Forum
> is allowed to participate in the discussion.
> Decisions are made by a simple show of hands
> after a motion is made and seconded.
> The protocol is very democratic.
> What is the protocol for decision making for the GSL?
> Are we just supposed to bully Brian Gough
> into including our ideas and contributions?
> I thought that the GSL was supposed to be open.
> Shouldn't there be a democratic process
> whereby application programmers and library developers
> can participate in design and development decisions?

Diego Saravia

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