gsl Development Query

Gerard Jungman
Fri Sep 1 14:53:00 GMT 2000

Randall Judd wrote:
> Part of the specification
> is the interface which allows people to bring data into or export data from

This is an important point. It may be that data interchange
is issue number one for this kind of library. Certainly I
feel that it is the number one issue for vector/matrix/etc
implementations in numerical libraries. No library can
afford to act as an island fortress. As a general comment,
I think that generic programming (which for all practical
purposes means algorithm templates in C++) offers the
best hope at this point for freeing ourselves from
the details of data representations, in the wide sense.
I see no real solution, when restricted to the context
of a C library like GSL; we just have to find the right
compromise, given the right set of restrictions on
the problem domain.

By the way, I looked at the VSIPL draft to see what
you were doing about this, but I wasn't sure what
the appropriate section was. From what I did see,
I guessed that your block/view separation was the
key to data interchange, allowing conformant views
to be layered over imported data blocks. Is this
what you meant, or did you have something more
specific in mind?

I certainly agree with this approach. GSL actually
works this way as well (contrary to whatever
Tisdale seems to be going on about), though
it is not as complete. Certainly I hope that
by the time we are done we will have a similar
level of completeness, addressing such issues
as views layered over different underlying
complex array types. It's not hard to do,
and it fits in with what we have so far.
Brian, are you listening?

Of course, there are many hidden problems.
Especially that, in principle, one needs
to optimize algorithms differently if using
a certain type of view implies a poor strategy for
memory accesses. This rapidly becomes complicated,
parametrizing both the data layouts and algorithms
together. But that makes it interesting too.

>       The main problem with FFTW is they use an array of complex. Most of
> the time an array of complex looks like interleaved complex (which is, I
> think, what GSL uses for complex arrays). For the user interface VSIPL
> supports both interleaved or split arrays (internally a complex block is
> just a block of complex).

Just a minor technical note, for readers who may not
be aware of the details. As I'm sure you know, this layout
of complex numbers (coincident values of underlying type, like double
is standard in fortran and (I believe) the C99 draft. From
a practical standpoint, I think there is no other way to go,
because you have to be able to inter-operate with old code,
especially old fortran code. The fact that C++ does not
specify the implementation details for std::complex is,
I believe, a deficiency of the C++ standard. Eventually they
will have to come around and fix this; we can't glide
along forever, relying on the the fact that most compiler/platform
combinations end up with struct { double x; double y; } and
struct { double x[2]; } aligned "by accident" on the same boundaries.

If anybody wants to clarify what is going on with this
issue out there, I would like to know myself. This was
one of the stickier points that Brian and I had to
make a decision on.

> I guess my point is you probably should have your own FFT's.

Yes, I can't disagree. If somebody wants to drop multi-dim FFTs
in our lap, that would be great. I just don't want to have to do
it. And if we take source code from somewhere else, we have a choice.
We can figure out how to create an appropriate layer that insulates
us, or we can apply the old copy/paste methodology. Now, I find
copy/paste to be the most revolting form of reuse, as I'm sure
most people do. On the other hand, it all boils down to two questions:

  (1) Is the source you are snarfing stable enough?
  (2) Can you imagine ever wanting to swap something else in?

In the cases at hand, the answer to (1) is probably yes.
But I have never yet found a case where the answer to (2) was no.
That's somewhat subjective, but that's how I feel about it.

Now, Brian may object to the copy/paste statement. After all, what
one of us would really do would be to read about it, look at a
couple different implementations, and then code something up
as cleanly as possible. But in my book this is just a more
sophisticated (and not necessarily more intelligent) form
of copy/paste.

> It may
> not be reasonable to make an interface to FFTW and keep the other
> interfaces in your library coherent.

My feeling is that, in this case, it won't be hard. Similarly,
it would not be hard to use an underlying fortran implementation
for blas. All you have to do is specify an appropriate middle
layer in each case.

What I can say for sure is that if we create an appropriate
middle layer first, then we have options, and if we don't
then it could end up being very difficult for us or anyone
else to put something new in later.

In this regard, this is a question about modularity with
respect to the implementations. If you can make things
more flexible without sacrificing simplicity at the
highest level of abstraction (where most users will live),
and it doesn't cost too much to do so, then why not?

> If somebody really needs FFTW speed and also wants to use your
> library then they should figure out how to make them interface. Hopefully
> you give them enough information so they can do this.

Well, maybe we can kill all these birds by making the appropriate
middle layer work ourselves. It can help us, because we
get to link in a working implementation with minimal effort,
and it can help other people if it saves them the effort.

Thanks for your comments.

G. Jungman

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