
E. Robert Tisdale
Wed Jul 19 14:47:00 GMT 2000

Brian Gough wrote:

> Yup, a pretty print function is needed,
> probably with options to use separators like ,
> or to enclose the vector in parentheses.

I'm not so sure about that.
Pretty printing with separators and enclosures
seems to imply that you would have
another GSL function that could scan it all back in.
What would you do if you scanned in the last element
before you got to the closing paren?
Or if you encountered a closing right paren
before the end of your vector view?

> The output from the current print functions
> is not very readable on screen --
> it's really intended for dumping to a file
> and to allow arbitrary formats to be used,
> e.g. hex for integer data.

My version of gsl_vector_fprintf permits you
to set the number of columns to 1
so you could get the same output as your version.
I suppose that my version should include
an argument to set format flags so that it can print
fixed or scientific floating-point notation or
decimal, hexadecimal or octal integers.

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